Monday, July 15, 2019

FW Homeschool Gym Co-op South Guidelines

Mission Statement:

Our goal is to honor God by strengthening our health, our relationships, and our education.

Class meets every Thursday morning at Fellowship Missionary Church from 10-12 from the first Thursday after Labor Day through the third or fourth Thursday in May with the exception of holiday breaks.

The schedule of each class is as follows:

10:00 – 10:15     Free time

10:15 – 10:20     Announcements

10:20 – 10:30     Warm-ups

10:30 – 11:30     Instructed Class

11:30 – 12:00     Free time

We break down into the following groups during instructed class time:

Newborn to Pre K in Water’s Edge classroom

K-3rd in the gym, atrium, or Crosstown classrooms

4th-12th outside or in the gym, atrium, or Crosstown classrooms

Kindergartners must be at least 5 by Sep 1st and 4th graders must be at least 9 by Sep 1st.

We ask that you follow these guidelines in order for this class to be a positive learning experience and honoring to God.

1. This class is for the families and run by the families. When you register and pay, you will sign up to lead or assist with several weeks of class.  Parents of nursery-aged children are also required to sign up to work in the nursery.

2. When it is your week to teach, make sure you communicate with the other parents who are signed up to teach with you and discuss the plans or activities before the class time.

3. If you cannot participate on the day you are assigned to teach or be in the nursery, it’s your obligation to find your own substitute from the gym class roster and then let the appropriate activity leader or coordinator know who will be taking your place.

4.  All parents must help with the class in some way every time their family attends class, even if you aren’t scheduled to teach or work in the nursery.  The leaders for the week will let you know how you can help with the class on your “off weeks”.  If you have health restrictions, please speak to one of the Class Coordinators.  We can find some way for you to help which won’t make your condition worse.

5. Do not drop off your children or send them with another gym class parent.  If you believe you have an exceptional situation (health or family issues, for example), you must have permission from the gym class director before you send your children with another gym class family.  You may send your children with their grandparent or adult sibling, if necessary.  However, that person must help with the class in some way (see #4 above).

6. Do not keep your nursery-aged children with you during the instructed class time. 

7. Dress code: K-12 students need to wear gym shoes (no boots or slip-on shoes), and each student in K-12 is required to have an official gym class t-shirt with the student's first name on the front and last name on the back.  These shirts have cost $9 each in the past.  Parents may buy gym class shirts for themselves and their nursery-aged children, but they are not required to do so.  Parents are required to wear provided name tags or gym shirts. Everyone at gym needs to “dress modestly, with decency and propriety” (see 1 Timothy 2:9).  Do not wear short shorts, skin tight leggings worn as pants, spaghetti straps/tank tops, hip huggers, etc. The hem of shorts must be at finger tips when arms are hanging straight down.  Leggings or shorts must be worn under skirts.  

8. Tardiness: Please get to class on time.  When students arrive late, it disrupts the other students and makes things difficult for the parents leading class.

9. Warm ups are important. Please ask your student to participate with a positive attitude and follow the leader’s directions.  

10. Parents are responsible for their own children but also have authority over other children in the class.  (see the Discipline Policy)

11. We have access to the atrium, gym, Crosstown, and the restrooms in middle hallway. During free time students can play in the gym or hang out in the atrium.  They need to stay off the stage, off the chairs in the gym’s exit hallways, and out from behind the stage.  Students are not allowed to go into the equipment closet and take things out.  Remember, there is no running in the atrium during free time.  Students are not allowed to play in Crosstown (including the Water’s Edge classroom) during free time.

12. No throwing, bouncing, or kicking balls of any kind in the atrium. Certain soft balls may be approved only during instructed class time.  If a thrown object hits the ceiling and sets off the sprinkler system we are in big trouble.

13. Please hang coats and jackets and store other belongings on the coat rack in middle hallway before the restrooms.  This will keep gym floor safe for walking and other activities.

14. Students may only use electronic devices (cell phones, ipods, etc.) during free time.  Parents, please restrict your cell phone use to free time.

15. Please remind students who are going outside to the grass area of the church to watch for passing cars as they leave the entry area. Oncoming cars may not see children darting out from this area.

16. You may look at the free table during free time only, not during announcements, warm-ups, or instructed class time.  Take home what you brought if it wasn’t taken by another.  There have been problems in the past with people leaving lots of boxes behind at the end of class.  If we have the same problem this year, the free table will be discontinued.

17. If we need to cancel class due to bad weather or for a funeral at Fellowship, notice will be posted on the gym class blog, on our group’s facebook page, and an email will be sent out.

18. The gym class directory is for class use only.

Nursery Guidelines

1. Make sure you are on time when it’s your week to work in the nursery. The nursery opens at 10 am.  Do not walk into the building at 10:00 on the day you’re supposed to watch children.  You have to be in the nursery ready to take children at 10:00.  You should plan on arriving between 9:45-9:50.

2. The nursery is available from 10:00 to 11:30 in the Water’s Edge Classroom.

3. Pick up your children immediately after the instructed class time is over.  Do not visit with other parents during free time while the nursery workers are watching your children.

4. Please pick up your children at the door.  Older children are not allowed to come in the nursery and play during pick up time.

5. Do not bring young ones who are sick.

6. Snacks will be provided.

Homeschool Gym Discipline Policy

The policy is based on Titus 3:1-2 and Romans 13:9-10:

“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate and to show true humility toward all men,” Titus 3:1-2

“…Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to its neighbor.” Rom. 13:9-10

1. All discipline should reflect these verses. Memorization and discussion with students would be good.

2. Parents are responsible for their own students at all times. Remember, know where they are.

3. Students should follow the discipline policy by respecting and obeying all parents, even if the student disagrees with the instructions of the game or sport being played during class time. The student should submit to authority with action and ATTITUDES.

4. All parents have the authority to discipline all students in love. Please do it right after the disruption has happened. Don't wait until the class is over or later in the day to address it.

5. When the whistle blows, all students should get quiet and look to the teacher for direction.

6. When the teacher’s hand goes up in the air, all students should be quiet. There is no talking while the teacher is talking. There is no talking during the K-3 grades warm ups. Show respect for the student leaders as well.

7. If there is a major conflict, Matthew 18:15 is to be followed. Read it and act upon it. Students should discuss conflict one on one with the person they are in conflict with. If nothing is resolved, a student should take their parent with them to discuss the conflict with the other student and their parent. If still nothing is resolved, the student and their parent should take the Class Director or the Assistant Class Director with them to discuss the conflict. Parents in conflict should follow the same pattern. Approach conflict with Romans 13:9-10 as your guide.

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